The ICIP 2023 Organizing Committee invites proposals for Special Sessions on new or emerging topics in image processing that have the potential to have a major impact on the field in the near future.

Special Session proposals must contain the following information:

  • Title of the proposed Special Session
  • Names, affiliations, and contact information of the session organizers
  • Brief biographies of the session organizers
  • Brief description of the proposed session topic and discussion on why this is a good topic for an ICIP 2023 special session
  • List of six (6) contributed papers (including titles, author names and affiliations, and a short abstract). Upon acceptance of the special session proposal, contributed papers will be submitted just like regular papers. At most one paper in the session can be authored by the organizers.

Proposals will be evaluated based on topic timeliness and expected impact, qualifications of the organizers, and the list of contributed papers and their authors.

The papers in each accepted Special Session will undergo a review process similar to that of the regular papers submitted to ICIP 2023.

Submission Instructions:

All proposals should be submitted online via this submission site:

Inquiries should be sent via e-mail to the Special Sessions Chairs, Chin Tat-Jun and Wong Lai-Kuan at

Download the pdf version by clicking the link below.
ICIP23 Call For Special Session PDF