Women in Signal Processing Luncheon
Be part of the vibrant dialogue at the IEEE Women in Signal Processing Luncheon! Our gathering will be graced by a distinguished panel of accomplished women in signal processing. Through engaging conversations, these esteemed panelists will generously share their personal journeys and insightful experiences in Signal Processing within the AI era. This luncheon presents an exceptional platform for networking, forging connections, and gaining valuable insights from the remarkable narratives of our esteemed speakers. This is your exclusive opportunity to participate in a dynamic discussion and celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of women in the field of signal processing. Don’t miss this chance to join us and be inspired.
Add your name to the Women in Signal Processing Directory and join the WISP mailing list! Visit the WISP website to learn more.
Panel Discussion on Signal Processing in the AI Era Moderator:
Dr. Malarvili Balakrishnan

Panel Discussion on Signal Processing in the AI Era Panelists:
Dr. Jing Dong

Dr. Jing Dong is currently a Full Professor in the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition in the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA). She is a senior member of IEEE. Her research interests include pattern recognition, image processing and image forensics. She has chaired in many major national scientific projects and played a leading role in several national and international technical conferences. She is an associate editor for the Elsevier 《Journal of Information Security and Applications》and the Editor in Chief for IAPR 《Newsletter》(2019-2022). She is also the APSIPA Multimedia Security and Forensics (MSF) Technical Committee member (2020-2022), Council member of the Chinese Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG) and the Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAAI), and the Secretary-General of Women in CSIG. She has been a very active volunteer in IEEE since the year of 2008. She was the founding chair of IEEE University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) Student Branch, the chair of Student Activity Committee of IEEE Beijing Section during 2011-2014, the 2009-2010 IEEE R10 Student sub-Representative (responsible for North-East of R10 zone), the Coordinator of R10 Electronic Communications & Information Management (EEC&IM) Committee during 2011-2012, the Chair of IEEE R10 Women in Engineering Committee during 2017-2018, the Vice Chair of IEEE WIE AG Beijing Section during 2018-2021, the chair of IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Activities Committee 2019-2022 the current Chair of IEEE Biometric Council Beijing Chapter, the Chair of IEEE R10 Awards and Recognition Committee, and the IEEE SPS Membership Development Director (2022-2024).
She was awarded with the IBM Faculty Award(2016), the ICPR Best Scientific Paper Award (2018), the CAAI Outstanding Individual Member Award (2019), the CSIG Outstanding Female Young Scientist Award (2020) , the CSIG Science and Technology Award (2021) 、the Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award (2021) and the CAI Innovation Award (1st Prize,2022) for her excellent contribution for the technical innovation and leadership for the community.
Celia Shahnaz

Celia Shahnaz, SMIEEE, Fellow IEB, received Ph.D. degree from Concordia University, Canada and is currently a professor at, Department of EEE, BUET, Bangladesh since 2015. She was the winner of Canadian Common Scholarship for pursuing her Ph.D study in Canada and recipient of Bangladesh Academy of Science Gold Medal for her contributions in science and technology. The World Academy of Science (TWAS) members have elected her as a Fellow of TWAS for the advancement of science in developing countries, effective 1 January 2023. Recently, her nomination has been approved and she has been inducted into IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu as a Professional Member into the Eta Chapter of the Board of Governors.
She has been elected as 2022 IEEE WIE Committee Chair-Elect and she is serving as the 2023-2024 IEEE WIE Committee Chair. She has been appointed as 2022-23 Member, IEEE New Initiative Committee, 2021-23 Member, IEEE History Committee, Liaison between IEEE History Committee and IEEE WIE. She has served as 2021-23 Chair, IEEE SPS Women in Signal Processing, 2021-23 Liaison between IEEE SPS and IEEE WIE, 2021-22 Member, IEEE Educational Activities Board Faculty Resource Committee, 2022 Member, IEEE WIE Strategic planning Committee, 2021 Chair, IEEE WIE History Subcommittee, 2020-21 Member, IEEE WIE Senior Member Elevation Drive and 2019-2022 Member, IEEE WIE WePower Subcommittee. She has served as an Editorial board member, IET Signal Processing From 2018 to date. She is the immediate past Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section, Co-founder & Chair, IEEE EMBS, IAS, RAS, SSIT Bangladesh Chapters, Co-founder & Vice-Chair, IEEE SPS Bangladesh Chapter, Founder and Advisor, WIE AG, and founder and Chair of SIGHT group FLASH, IEEE Bangladesh Section.
She is the recipient of the 2021 IEEE MGA Achievement Award, 2021 Inspiring Women in Academia Award from Bangladesh brand forum, 2019 R10 Humanitarian Activities Outstanding Volunteer Award, 2016 MGA Leadership Award 2015 WIE Inspiring Member Award, 2013 R10 WIE Professional Volunteer Award.
She has more than 22 years of experience (22 years as an IEEE volunteer) in leading impactful Technical, Professional, Educational, Industrial, Women Empowerment, Humanitarian Technology, Power and Energy-related Projects at national/international levels.
Sabine Süsstrunk

Sabine Süsstrunk is Full Professor and Director of the Image and Visual Representation Lab in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC) at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland. Her main research areas are in computational photography and imaging, color computer vision, and computational image quality and aesthetics. She received the IS&T/SPIE 2013 Electronic Imaging Scientist of the Year Award for her contributions to color imaging, computational photography, and image quality, and the 2018 IS&T Raymond C. Bowman and the 2020 EPFL AGEPoly IC Polysphere Awards for excellence in teaching. Sabine is a Fellow of IEEE and IS&T, and President of the Swiss Science Council (SSC).
Dr. Mandava Rajeswani

Mandava is Professor in the Data Science group of School of computing at Faculty of Computing, Engineering & Technology, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation. Mandava’s current passion is in teaching and researching in Data science focusing on Deep learning, Machine Learning and Optimization. Mandava is a retired Professor of School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). At USM, she has 35 years of professional career with both breadth and depth in several areas of expertise and has made significant contributions in these areas.
Mandava’s academic background is in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering. She has obtained her Master’s degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, India and PhD from University of Wales, U. K.
Mandava has taught a wide variety of courses in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics and Automation. She has supervised 4 Post doctoral, 14 PhD and several MSc (Research) students. Mandava’s research has spanned from machine vision, robotics, image analysis, medical imaging, neuroimage analysis, artificial intelligence and data mining through several funded research projects. In neuroimaging the specific focus was on diffusion based imaging with a primary objective to extract, visualise and examine brain white matter fiber tracts to assist in the early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases and assist neurosurgery. Her current focus is in Data Science with specific attention to Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Mandava has more than 170 publications to her credit in peer reviewed impact factor journals and top conferences. She has served the academic community through invited keynote presentations at International conferences, conducted workshops in special topics related to her research, served as an associate editor to IFAC journal and on the review board of many journals and International conferences.